A group of internet artists from all over the place who have decided to give each other a challenge every few weeks, on a theme chosen by each in turn. We have different ideas and styles, but share a love of textiles, and want to have some fun.

Sunday 9 October 2011


I'm in two minds about this one. The sensible option would be to go with the images I've taken through car windows over the years... in fact, come to think of it, some of the images of Slochd (a mountain on the way to Inverness...sadly, one you have to drive up/round) would be ideal. And there are some more recent images taken in a traffic jam (Norfolk doesn't usually do traffic jams, but it was summer and there were tourists...), of fields seen through the hedgerows and trees at the edge of the road.

But then there's the intangible option. I wrote a dissertation in Russian about the translation of Burns into Russian. I wrote that reading a translation is like looking through a window; you can see what's going on, but there are elements of the action that you can't experience, because you're held away from it by the glass. To be honest, I have no idea how to approach that particular idea, but it seems to be lurking, anyway. Perhaps I'll go with Slochd, and take it from there...

1 comment:

Julie said...

I am impressed and not a little in awe that you wrote a dissertation in Russian! That is a strong image of being held away by the glass when reading a translation. Having translated into and out of French myself I can identify with that statement. There are always certain nuances of language and understanding that do not come over in a translation. It would be an interesting avenue to explore.

I'm assuming the final photograph is of Slochd and can see lots of potential there, not necessarily in a figurative interpretation. Enjoy!