Was wondering how we were all doing... (or even if we were all doing
I also wondered whether we have reached any kind of a view about the size of each piece, or are we leaving that open? I'm intending to make my first piece at A4 size, content that I can make another version larger...
Am I alone in finding the blog format difficult in terms of the administration of this project? It's not designed for conversation; perhaps we might supplement it with a Facebook group to talk this kind of thing over?
ps the image is another in the series 'Inside Out'; probably irrelevent in this context, but interesting, nonetheless.
Hiya Marion, No, we haven't reached a view yet on size as I've only had 5 replies and I haven't chased it up yet, as I thought we'd leave the first challenge as any size because some people including myself have already made a start and it's not fair to alter it. I rather thought the discussion could be had at the time of the next challenge before we all launched in again, but am happy to discuss whenever anyone wants to.
As for the format of a blog; I hadn't thought about Facebook but am happy to arrange a page there if there's interest. Not everyone wants emails when comments are left so I assumed they didn't really want to discuss, just get on with a challenge, and post when completed. I may be wrong though!! It seems to me that quite a few have the blog on their reader and the sitemeter and googlestats show who and when someone tunes in.
Please let me know your thoughts everyone. I'll do another posting so people will be sure to read it.
My thinking was that I'd rather read the comments on the site, than have them in splendid isolation on email... but that admin stuff like size could be dealt with quickly and easily (and with some immediacy) if on a fb group page. I'm perfectly happy to be told I'm wrong, though,
Personally, I'd prefer a FB group but that's mostly because I'm on there all the time anyway and have to actively remember to come to this blog even being subscribed to comments!
The FB group we now have (thanks, Annabel) is open and I was just thinking that that might make it less desirable for admin stuff, not that I'm anticipating anything contentious. I guess we just make it up as we go along, according to need. I'm fine with the blog, myself: have it in my reader subscriptions, get the messages to my e-mail account, and could easily set up a group e-mail set for urgent stuff I wouldn't want to go public on, whatever that might be...!
I am working in A3 size / ish
I don't do Facebook, but I don't object if others want to take it there. I do quite like the blog format, expecially as pieces get finished.
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